Wednesday, September 16, 2009

10 Self Imposed Road Blocks for Women Starting Businesses Part I

Everyday there are women in this world that decide it is time for them to step up to the plate and create a better life for themselves and their families.  They start to dream about what could be if they had more money, more time for their families, more time for themselves or simply the ability to make the choices they want instead of the choices that are forced upon them.  If you have not taken the time to day dream lately I think you should try it right now.  Close your eyes and let yourself imagine the possibilities.  Be sure to come back and finish reading since I know you are probably so tired you could fall asleep.

Could you picture yourself in a better, happier place?  Were your children well cared for, happy and well educated?  Were your bills paid when they arrived in the mail instead of waiting till the very end of the grace period to pay them?  Were your aging parents well cared for?  Did you quit your job because you are finally in control of your own finances?  Did you have someone to clean your house so you would have time to spend playing with your children?  (It's OK to dream about that - God doesn't take off points if you have someone clean your house.)  So what did you imagine you were doing to make this extra money for these things and to have these abilities and choices? 

As little girls we dream of the possibilities that life has to offer.  Then as women too many of us are accepting what we have as our reality.  Your reality can be whatever you choose it to be.  What you have now is just your current situation but tomorrow is still out there to be lived in whatever manner you choose.  So many of us will allow ourselves to dream of these things but then immediately start putting up road blocks. 

ROAD BLOCK #1 - Not Enough Money - Boy do I hear this one all the time.  Unfortunately, a lot of you reading this were thinking it before you finished reading the second paragraph above.  The fact of the matter is, if your problem is money you need to change something in your life.  You need to take control of the purse strings.  I have a friend that would say "You need to put your big girl panties on and face it!"

Tip #1 - There are endless businesses and possibilities that can be started for little or no money.  

ROAD BLOCK #2 - Negative Self Talk - This can be a big one!  Negative self talk usually starts in childhood and is amplified in adolescence.  Those feelings of being inadequate, never good enough, not smart enough or even not pretty enough.  It might have been something we heard someone say and we have just repeated it to ourselves for years or it could be something we just decided about ourselves.  As we grow into adults, those negative feelings can be so deeply engrained that we can not believe in our own abilities.  However, negative self talk is only a habit and habits can be changed.  Unfortunately too many women will allow these negative beliefs to stop them from their pursuit. 

Tip #2 - Daily affirmations can annihilate negative self talk.

ROAD BLOCK #3 - Comfort Zone Addiction - We have all been there, don't even try to act like you haven't.  We each have a comfort zone that we like to stay neatly tucked into.  Do yourself a favor and find out where your comfort zone is and then do whatever it takes to get out of it.  Make those phone calls, talk to that person you have been dreading talking to.  Afraid of talking in front of crowds, take a speech class.  Go to a restaurant and have dinner alone.   Volunteer to be the leader of a project.  Start that business you have been dreaming about.

Tip #3 - Take one step today outside of your comfort zone, then focus on the feelings of accomplishment that brings.

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