Monday, December 21, 2009
Don't let the lights keep you out of the tree!
It must be a fun tree to play in because the squirrels are always running up and down and playing on the branches (it probably helps that I keep a feeder for them hanging from one of the branches) but anyway today I witnessed something interesting that made me start thinking about human behavior.
Since it is the holiday season and I love to decorate the house with lights I also decorate the trunk of the oak tree. I put sheets of lights about 3 foot tall on the base of the tree and they go around 3/4 of the trunk. So if you can imagine there is a strip on the back of the tree(about 2 feet wide) that has no lights (since it doesn't face the street). Today my little squirrel friends (3 to be exact) wanted to play on the tree. But every time they would jump up on the tree, they would feel the strings of lights and jump off. All 3 of them kept jumping up on the tree and then jumping off. It was actually quite comical. This went on for quite a while and then I noticed that every once in a while one of them would actually jump on the side of the tree that did not have lights but instead of taking off running up the tree to get to the branches, like they always do, he would immediately jump off again. It was as if he had jumped on the strings of lights so many times that he couldn't believe there was any part of the tree that didn't have lights. His jumping persistence could have actually paid off when he hit the right side but he was blinded by his belief that there were lights there.
James Riley once said “The most essential factor is persistence - the determination never to allow your energy or enthusiasm to be dampened by the discouragement that must inevitably come.” Oh how those squirrels must have been discouraged. They did eventually just give up and accept the fact that they couldn't get up the tree. I hope that you don't let the lights keep you out the tree! Persistence always pays in the long run if we are not blinded by our belief of what the current truth is - which may not be the truth at all.
And don't forget the old Japanese proverb that says "Money grows on the tree of persistence!" Just thought that one was quite appropriate for the story!
Monday, December 14, 2009
It Can Be Scary to Revisit Your Old Goals
Last week I decided it was time to get a head start on my 2010 Goal setting session that I usually have in January. I would venture to say that there are a lot of us that have them with ourselves in January. So while brainstorming on what I really wanted out of the next 12 months I decided to take a moment and revisit an old Goal Board. I still have my 2007 "Vision Board" and although it is a bit rough looking it did bring great joy to my heart when I sat down and took a look at it.
I almost could not contain my excitement - I just had to share with you the power of the mind. Let me start by saying this board was up in my office for all of 2007, 2008 and the first couple of months of 2009. I saw it daily, even if I weren't actually looking at it.
1st - For a long time there actually were a pair of eyes up in the left top corner looking at me. They stood for the eye correction surgery that I wanted to have to replace the glasses I had worn since 2nd grade. I have dreamed of fixing my eyes for as long as I can remember. But it wasn't until November of 2008 that it actually happened and I went from a person who couldn't see the BIG "E" on the top of the chart to having 20/20 vision. Thanks Dr. Yokabitus at the Eye Clinic.
2nd - I wanted to write a book or some sort of informational product. Well that has taken a bit longer but I am actually working on my book now and hopefully will be done by March and I am also cultivating a few ideas for informational products. I would say that these goals will definitely be accomplished in 2010.
3rd - I wanted someone to write me a check for $1,000,000. OK well that didn't happen exactly but we did sell our companies at the end of 2007 which allowed me to retire and have the money to live comfortably for a long time. That was something I definitely couldn't have seen happening in January of 2007. Oh by the way - this one is back on my 2010 Vision Board.
4th - A big bathtub. In January of 2007 my house had the smallest 1957 bathtub in existence - ok that is just my opinion. The tub was only 12 inches deep and it was so short you almost couldn't straighten your legs out. Finally in January of 2009 I decided it was time to remodel my house and now I have a fabulously deep soaking tub in the spot that once was so cramped.
So as you can see these things did not all happen in 2007 but since the board stayed up through 2008 & 2009 they did all come closer to existence. Time passes so quickly we should each take the time to focus on what we want out of life. Be careful that you aren't focused on the wrong thing - what you don't want out of life. So what is on the poster for 2010 - A Cadillac Escalade Hybrid, A Personal Assistant and A BIG Checking Account Balance, just to name a few.....
Friday, September 25, 2009
10 Self Imposed Road Blocks for Women Starting Businesses Part III
At this point we have covered the first seven road blocks that women build to stop themselves from starting businesses. I hope that you have taken the time to study them and have acknowledged where you might have issues that need to be addressed. At this point you have dealt with most of the mental issues with the exception of #10, which is a big one. However, even with that one still out there you should be feeling pretty good about moving forward with your business ideas. Before we take a look at the last three road blocks let's get a quick reminder about the first seven.
ROAD BLOCK #1 - Not Enough Money
ROAD BLOCK #2 - Negative Self-Talk
ROAD BLOCK #3 - Comfort Zone Addiction
ROAD BLOCK #4 - Doubting Your Business Idea
ROAD BLOCK #5 - Not Knowing Where To Start
ROAD BLOCK #6 - Not Smart Enough
ROAD BLOCK #7 - Feeling You Have to Know Everything Before You Can Start
ROAD BLOCK #8 - The So-Called Experts (Dream Squishers) - They mean good (well most of the time) your family and friends that is. You tell them about your dream and how you are going to change your life and your future and they start to tear it apart. They tell you all the reasons why you are not going to make it and why it absolutely won't work. I know this may seem off course, but have you ever had the opportunity to watch a bucket of live crabs?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
10 Self Imposed Road Blocks for Women Starting Businesses Part II
ROAD BLOCK #1 - Not Enough Money
ROAD BLOCK #2 - Negative Self Talk
ROAD BLOCK #3 - Comfort Zone Addiction
Today we will focus on the next four road blocks.
ROAD BLOCK #4 - Doubting Your Business Idea - Oh you knew I would get to it eventually - the big "D" word and I'm not talkin' divorce. No sister, the big "D" word is Doubt.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
10 Self Imposed Road Blocks for Women Starting Businesses Part I
Could you picture yourself in a better, happier place? Were your children well cared for, happy and well educated? Were your bills paid when they arrived in the mail instead of waiting till the very end of the grace period to pay them? Were your aging parents well cared for? Did you quit your job because you are finally in control of your own finances? Did you have someone to clean your house so you would have time to spend playing with your children? (It's OK to dream about that - God doesn't take off points if you have someone clean your house.) So what did you imagine you were doing to make this extra money for these things and to have these abilities and choices?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Exciting Decisions About Life!

Saturday, September 5, 2009
How NOT to Say Your Sorry

2. Do Not blame someone else for your actions in your apology. Same example as #1.
3. Do Not rationalize your actions in your apology. As in "Sir I am sorry I ran into your car. If Chevrolet put better brakes on these vehicles it wouldn't have happened." Wow it is amazing how much that sounds like blaming someone else (#2). If I had used the word but in the sentence I could have covered points 1, 2 & 3.
4. Never ever ever ever start an apology with "I know you want me to apologize so...."
5. Probably the single most irritating mistake that people make when apologizing is the tone they use. There are two extremely different meanings when someone says "Sorry" in a remorseful tone than when they say "SORRY" in a harsh hard loud tone. If you don't believe me just ask a child.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Change and the Inspired Life
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Sometimes Others See It So Clearly!
I don't know about all of you but I have to admit that I do not always feel comfortable asking for help. I have recently started taking a class about Social Media through and had the privilege of being taught by Nancy Marmolejo. Nancy is a social media guru (and I don't use that word lightly). She has a large following on twitter and facebook and she has a presence about her that just makes you want to be her friend. You should check her out at her website I had a question for Nancy about whether something she was working on could help me so I finally summoned the courage and contacted her on Facebook. What happened after that was amazing. Not only did she answer my question but since I had explained my situation she started asking me questions.
- Are you a master of persuasion?
- Can you open women up to opportunities they can't see that the rest of the world sees so clearly?
- What did you do in Mary Kay that was astounding and enjoyable? (Oh, I am not sure I told you but I was a Mary Kay Sales Director for five years.)
- What is the big transformation you can help others achieve?
- Why get this transformation from you versus the next person? (This one I am still working on)
So what does all this mean? It looks like the best way for me to help women would be by focusing on their businesses, whether they own a business or just want to own a business. Maybe help them to determine their passions and understand the impacts of those passions on their daily life. Building a relationship of trust with these women which will extend beyond their business life and help them grow personally and spiritually as well. Oh my heart is racing thinking of the possibilities and the challenge. I do so love a challenge!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Inspired Life
I am starting this blog as part of my new journey. We have recently sold our family businesses and I have been given a blessing. The ability to search for what I am supposed to do with the rest of my life. I know it is a blessing because what God helps to create can only prosper. In Proverbs 31 is a description of the Virtuous Woman. There are 22 points made about this amazing woman - she is rare, trustworthy, constant in her love, industrious, thrifty, self starting, enterprising, willing to do hard work, willing to work long hours, willing to do monotonous work, compassionate, prepared for the future, a good seamstress, married to a leader, an entrepreneur, not swayed by circumstances, wise and kind, duty-conscious, blessed by her family, not satisfied with mediocre, a woman of God and praiseworthy. (Proverbs 31:10-31KJV) Do I confess to be this woman, absolutely not. However, I strive to be this woman and you can too. I have given a lot of thought lately to what my talents are and I have come up with a list.
- Professional Business Woman!
- Amazingly Organized!
- Great Speaker!
- Extremely Motivated and Self Driven!
- Caring and Loving Mother, Wife, Daughter and Grand Daughter!
When I come up with more for my list I will let you know. In the meantime I want to say that while working on my list a lot of negative doubtful thoughts came to my mind about what I am. However, I know that those are false and I will not focus on them because What You Focus Your Energy On Will Grow - positive or negative! What I would like for you to do is work on your list. It is important to know what you think of yourself.
Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog. I am looking forward to meeting you so please leave a comment or drop me a line. I think in my next blog I will tell you a little about who I used to be.